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Amazing Features

We add new tools and features regularly.

Bulk SMS

You can broadcast your text and multimedia(MMS) message to all your contacts in few seconds globaly.

Group Text

You can create multiple groups and send text accordinlgy as you want.

Leads & Contact Management

You can store your contacts or leads information easiliy and you can also send them text or calls.

Two Way Chat

Two way chat enable you to chat with those users who replied back you via mobile phones.

Buy Numbers

Just in a simple clicks buy your number.

Black List (DNC)

DNC allows you store those numbers on which you don’t want to make disturbance.


We can respond quickly by enabling autoresponder feature and respond instant to your customers automatically.


Scheduler will allow you to schedule your campaign or individuals text for any particular time or date.

SMS Forward

You can get instant SMS alert and reply them from your phone also via incoming SMS forward feature.

Call Forward

It allows you to forward incoming calls to any phone number you want.

Voice Call

The ability to contact and converse with people in real-time via web browser.

Voice Broadcast

It is a technology that allows you to broadcast Voice messages to several call recipients simultaneously.

Looks Great On All Devices You Use Every Day

Our comprehensive feature set is enjoyed by marketing pros, however our intuitive web-based interface is easy enough for anyone to use.


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